Saturday, 2 February 2019

No Time like the New Year - Decluttering My Life

For the new year I want to declutter my life, most of this will be physical things I won't lie. I own way to much stuff.

Before going Home for Christmas I went through a big purge of all my clothes and managed to be get rid of 65 items. This tells me just how bad I've gotten over the last few years. Also since May I had decluttered about 100 items of clothing on top of this (please don't judge - I have been the same height and size for about a decade- never grow over 5 foot 3).

Back home I decluttered more stuff that I had left behind when I moved to London. whilst I managed to declutter quite a lot I know I have still kept too much.

Why I chose to declutter?

Whilst I was at Uni I bought a lot of things I don't really need, on example of this is the act that since finishing Uni well over two years ago now. I still haven't had to buy any new shampoo (I have bought a few bottles though still of ones I wanted to try - I know I'm a bad impulse purchaser).

But the amount of shampoo I own made me then realise all the other areas have way too much tuff in as well - my lipstick collection is overflowing and I hardly ever wear any, the number of nail varnishes I have that are so similar that I only really needed 1/10 of my collection.

I started watching videos and reading books on Minimalism and become interested in the idea. No I'm not planning on being a minimalist just yet but the idea that items don't make you happy hit a nerve and made me realise buying all this stuff was for the small second of happiness you get when you buy something new. This had to change.

Minimalism led me to the KonMari method (literally a few months before the Netflix show came out) I read both her books and started to tackle my clothes. So far this year I have decluttered over 100 more items of clothing from my life and a quite a few other things to.

What am I doing with the clothes? - the answer to this is that most of them I am selling, many have never or hardly been worn. I also wear the same few clothes all the time so have wasted a lot of money and bought into the consumerism cycle quite a bit.

The rest I am donating or recycling depending on the condition.

Thank you for reading, I will be back soon with an update.
